Question Everything – Why Question Everything?

I don’t know about you but I question EVERYTHING that happens and goes around my world. I always try to make or explain something complicated or hard to understand into easily understandable steps. That’s just the way I am.

Question everything Anchorage AlaskaThe interesting and funny thing about an article that I read in is that “there is only about 2,000 Billionaires in the world and that the odds of joining that rarefied club is about 4 in one Million. To put that in perspective you are 24 times more likely to be killed by lightning than you are to become a Billionaire.”

Apparently no one told Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mark Cuban, Nick Woodman, Richard Branson, Tony Robbins or Mark Zuckerberg (just to mention a few) anything about being killed by lightning.

The point is.. everything is possible. 😀

You can check out the article from here. 


There is something HUGE happening coming soon in the Internet Marketing world! If you have ANY type of home business that you would like to market and promote online, this is for you. Click the image below to get more info. 

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