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Digital Marketer and Certified Website Designer.

Yonatan Aguilar

Digital Marketer and Certified Website Designer.

Yonatan is the owner of www.YeaStudios.com (Modern Website Design), where he helps new and established businesses grow their customer base online, with Modern Design Websites.


Yonatan has been in the Digital Marketing industry since 2015. Recognized by top Online Marketing agencies as a 'leader' in the industry, Yonatan is currently a go-to Digital Marketer and Certified Website Designer.

Yonatan Aguilar - Certified Marketing Expert and Web Designer

How I Can Help You

Yonatan Aguilar - Certified Marketing Expert and Web Designer
Modern Website Design

A Website makes you look professional and attracts new customers to your business. Having a modern, vibrant designed, and fast-loading Website helps increase your customers, gets traffic to your products and services, and grows your business's digital exposure.

Yonatan Aguilar - Certified Marketing Expert and Web Designer
Funnel Design

A business marketing funnel enables you to get the most out of your advertising efforts by guiding your customers through several steps. From the first step when someone learns about your business, to the buying step, a marketing funnel helps you map out the best route to conversions and beyond.

Yonatan Aguilar - Certified Marketing Expert and Web Designer
Affiliate Marketing

Start your Affiliate Marketing business by promoting other people's products. By far the best and easiest way to start your first Digital Marketing business. You don't have to create the products or worry about the design of websites. Grab your affiliate link and promote it to your audience. Get paid for the sales you make.

From Yonatan's Blog

Do It Until… – Marry This Phrase

Have you ever heard the ILT method before? In case you haven't I wrote an article about it HERE. But summarize, the ILT method is one of Ray Higdon's best advice to build a successful business online and offline. ILT stands for Invest. Learn. Teach. Once you start doing this ILT method in your life ... Read More

How To Make Money Online From Home

Today I'm going to share with you something very cool that 4 top Online Marketers are doing right now to make money online from home. This top Marketers have been interviewed and have shared the same exact steps that they are using in their businesses to create wealth and make money online from home. I ... Read More

Social Media Marketing – Free Facebook Training Video

Want your Free Facebook Marketing Training Video?! Get it Below! [optin form="1424" style="wide"] Don't forget to watch the video below! If you find that the content is useful please "like" and "share" it with others. ENJOY! http://youtu.be/PnWQcOMDyA0  If you would like to get your hand on one of the BEST ... Read More

Sound Traffic Mojo Review – Generate Leads Using SoundCloud

Sound Traffic Mojo Review. Lets talk about this brand new source of generate leads, attract more customers to your products and services and get more sign ups in your business fast. There are multiple ways to grow your audience and increase your sales with your business. Everyone knows about Facebook, ... Read More

Dealing With Frustrations – How To Deal With Frustrations

Today's post was inspire by one of my mentors Ray Higdon. He talked about dealing with frustrations and how to overcome them. There comes a time in our lives where we become frustrated. Dealing with frustrations can be hard and difficult sometimes because we just don't know how to handle ... Read More

Here's What Entrepreneurs Are Saying About Yonatan

Ashley H

"Some people talk..."

"Yonatan totally schooled the team on our prospecting training last night. Some people talk about what they're going to do... Others go out and get it done!"

Nicole H

“Time and Expertise..."

"Thank you for sharing your time and expertise with me and several other members of my team! So appreciated!"

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Yonatan helps business owners and entrepreneurs have a strong presence online that attracts the right customers.

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