Yonatan Aguilar is a Digital Marketer and owner of Yea Studios LLC (Modern Website Design). Let's discuss your project. Contact me today!
Yonatan Aguilar - Certified Marketing Expert and Web Designer

I Am Yonatan Aguilar
Digital Marketer.

Yonatan has been been involved in the Home Business since 2015, learning, training, teaching, coaching, and overall helping others increase lead generation and business sales online.

Yonatan has been recognized as a leader in top Marketing Agencies for generating leads, sales and helping others start their own Digital Business in today's era.

What I Can Do For You

Website Creation

I'll Create Your Website.

Started a business and need a Website? Does your current Website loads very slow? Or, maybe you just simply want a new design for it? Let's Talk.




I'll Design A Marketing Funnel For You and/or Your Business.

A Marketing Funnel guides your customers into what they need so they buy what you offer.

Work With

Partner Up & Work With Me.

Want to learn how to start and grow a Digital Business today? I'll give you the tools and the training you need to succeed online today.


Adam Judish Thoughts About Live Events

By yonatan
On September 26-28 2014 I flew down to Austin Texas for the the My Lead System Pro event named Live The Dream V. It was a magnificent event and very informational. There was lots of leaders and upcoming leaders in this event. Such leaders like Adam Judish. Adam shared with me how he started in ...

How To NOT Be Criticized By Others

By yonatan
A lot of people out there worry about being criticized by others. These people can be their friends, people from work or even their own family. The point is that most people out there worry about "What would they say" if they do certain things that are not really "approved" by the norm (a.k.a) society. ...

Focus, Commiting & Having Confidence In Your Home Business

By yonatan
Confidence is something that not a lot of people have. Why? The main reason why people don't have confidence is because the don't have the right skills to build it. You see in order for you to build confidence you must first have some skills to get you there. It works just like anything else ...

What Others Are Saying About Yonatan

"Some People Talk.."

"Yonatan, totally schooled the team on our prospecting training last night!”

Some people talk about what they're going to do... Others go out and get it done!"

- Ashley H

“Awesome Tips!”

“Thank you for the great Webinar. Those were some awesome tips!"

- Ann F

"Time & Expertice.."

“Thank you for sharing your time and expertise with me and several other members of my team! So appreciated!"

- Nicole H