Happy Thanksgiving! – And a little contest..
Well today is thanksgiving and all I have to say is that I hope you have a great day with your family.

Happy Thanksgiving!
I would love to hear what you are doing for thanksgiving.
As a matter of fact I’m holding a little contest. The winners would get an awesome marketing training that me and 2 other marketing rockstars did that will definitely guide you on how to market your business using Facebook. If you would like to participate it’s pretty simple.
– Simple head over to my Facebook page here and tell me what you are doing for thanksgiving on a 1 to 2 minutes video.
-The video doesn’t have to be all professional made or anything like that. Just you being you telling me what you are doing for fun with your family for this 2014 and new happy Thanksgiving. 🙂
Do we have a deal?..
If you are still not making any type of videos in your business this contest is going to help you to start in a very simple way.
As a matter of fact if you want some help on how to make simple videos take a look at this simple script that you can use in your videos that can literally help you transform a simple 1 to 2 minutes video into a lead generation machine! but for this contest is just to give you an idea of what to do when shooting a video. 🙂
Anyways, if you are up for the challenge just simply live me a comment below, tell you that you are in and don’t forget to post your video on my Facebook page!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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