One Of The Best Marketing Strategies Out There
There is a lot of marketing strategies out there. I mean A LOT!
You can use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, PPC, Solo Adds, Video Marketing etc. but there is one marketing strategies that converts and gives you a higher percentage of success out there.
Want to guess which one it is?… Did you guess?… here is the answer.. WEBINARS. Hosting your own Webinars increase the amount of you selling products, signing up reps and people trusting you very fast. In fact most webinars are between 45 to 1 hour and half long.
Well this Wednesday January 7 at 9:00PM EST one of the top entrepreneurs inside a generic Marketing system names Steve Jaffe is going to teach you how to:
Earn $3,700-$5,100 Per Webinar Even If You’re A Total Newbie
Close 18%-27% Of Webinar Attendees Into ANY Offer Resulting In A FLOODOf Sales
Routinely Sponsor 16-28 Reps Per Month With Webinars
Generate 14-26 Leads Per Day On Autopilot From Your Webinars
Sounds awesome, right?
Make sure you register for the upcoming webinar below and make sure you show up at least 10 minutes early to save your spot!
Register here and I’ll see you on the webinar!
By the way this Webinar Sales Magic course it’s already out! If you would like to dig into the training and start hosting your own webinars and make money with them just go here to get more info about this course.
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